Urban heroes: Leroy Collins, Jr.

Another one of those unsung heroes of the Marvel Universe and a victim of editorial meddling, Leroy Collins Jr. was forgotten as the Marvel editorial was simply not ready for the experimental approach John Byrne wanted to take on for this issue, Fantastic Four #234.

To add some (probably unnecessary) context:

  • Byrne was god amongst comic creators after his Uncanny X-Men run, which was cut short due to some disagreements with Chris Claremont (co-plotter of the series)
  • He wanted to write and draw on his own
  • He took over the Fantastic Four (he had drawn a few issues a bit before, but this was his big shot at the first family)
  • This was his third issue

So after 2 issues, Mr. Byrne feels the desire to flex his creative muscles and he gives us the story of a man with the capability to do anything he wishes, except he doesn’t know about it. The real star of the show, though, is his son Junior, in his one and only appearance ever:


I haven’t been able to take that scene off of my mind since the first time I read it. There was always something bugging me. It’s probably the captions in the last panel:

And so “Skip” departs, knowing that the next time he sees his son nothing will have changed.

Perhaps because he does not wish to exert too strong a control over his children:

Or, perhaps it is that even the greatest power must have limits.

Seeing what the guy can pull off through the issue, it doesn’t make any sense that he couldn’t change his son’s behavior, so I am going to go with the possibility that a page was lost. A page that John Byrne created for the issue but that was repalced by the editors by a page with lots of buildings (John Byrne’s T&A during the 80’s), as they considered it too pessimistic. Here’s that page, deemed too experimental by the editorial team:


The thing they apparently didn’t like was that the son was going to kill the father on the last day of their imprisonment. Byrne was then going to follow the story of Junior for a few issues as he went to prison and tried to rebuild his life while writing letters to Ben Grimm. Another lost opportunity? Good editorial job? We will never know …

If you have not read it the original story (or the whole wonderful run), what are you waiting for? If you have cash, get this (second omnibus I have ever purchased … the first one had to be Amazing Fantasy Omnibus (v. 1), of course: half-kirby, half-ditko, all win). If you think that’s too expensive (and if you know the run, then you would disagree), try Fantastic Four Visionaries – John Byrne, Vol. 1.

King Cobra versus the Bogus Beefeaters!!!

Very busy these days, but who am I to keep you away from this masterpiece? For the ignorant few who don’t know who King Cobra is, I feel sorry for you. The character is probably one of the best superheroes who came out of D.C. Thomson’s Hotspur (and that’s saying a lot of a magazine that gave us as X-Bow) and the art by Ron Smith is beautiful.

The last new story with King Cobra in it was published in the early 90’s and the character seems to be taking a rest, but will hopefully be back as soon as someone reads this and realizes the potential the character has (Paul Grist, Shaky Kane and Dave Hine, I’m looking at you guys!!!).

The cover for the story I am including in the post just grabs you by the balls:

Hotspur cover - King Cobra

King Cobra versus the bogus beefeaters

And then, in 4 pages they tell you a whole story (talk about hypercompression):

Urban Heroes: Scar Turpin

Our new feature, Urban Heroes, will try to correct an historical injustice and put the focus back on the characters that matter, the ones that appeared in a few issues, a few panel perhaps, but showed us another angle of the comic universes. They are the people that matter, the ones we have been thinking about for years, the ones that make saving the world worth it … in short, they are the urban heroes.

We start this first installment with Scar Turpin, a self-proclaimed candidate for the Captain America position (from Captain America #179, during the crazy run between the Secret Empire and Kirby’s run).

Luckily for you, this classic can be found in trade paperback: Captain America by Steve Englehart, Vol. 2: Nomad (Avengers). Surely, the time is right for Scar’s comeback??

Fantomas, the elegant menace

Published in Mexico between 1966 and 1985, and taking off where the 60s movie version couldn’t even dream about going, Fantomas is a great comic that might have been unnoticed to English speakers at large. Luckily, there will always be people who won’t let go and keep the flame alive.

So, really, how crazy can a Mexican Fantomas comic get?

That’s pretty fucking crazy, if you ask me.

For more Fantomas (and really isn’t this the perfect excuse to practice the world’s second language right now?) go to the wonderful Fantomas, la amenaza elegante. They are doing a great job of archiving the whole series.