Tag Archives: mike wieringo

Improbable crossovers

As you might have seen on the collage I posted a few posts ago with my collection of inter-company crossovers, I am a bit obsessed with them at the moment. The quality is generally very poor but there’s something inherently fun about them.

I would like to take this moment to call for a minute of silence to the following crossovers, which might never happen:

Except the one with Darkseid and Thanos, of course … It’s already happened!

And, as a bonus, the King wanted to join the party too:

Captain America vs Batman

Captain America vs Batman by Jack Kirby

A week of art: Jason Pearson

2 posts today because I couldn’t do the first one yesterday (and because these are really easy to do). An oldĀ favoriteĀ and one of the guys whose work I like the most, Mr Jason Pearson.

As with Rafael Grampa, I tried to select unpublished work. Hope you like it, this guy’s a genius …