Before Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido unleashed the extremely beautiful Blacksad on all of us, Juanjo also did some pin-ups and covers for Comics Forum. It´s funny to look back on this now and be amazed by the artistic evolution Mr Guarnido has gone through, but some of these undeniably have a lot of charm:
A week of art (Spanish edition): Carlos Pacheco
There’s not much I can tell you about Carlos Pacheco that hasn’t been said before, originally from Spain he jumped from Marvel UK to the US and has worked on almost all the big titles and even published creator owned stuff. So, keeping that in mind, let’s take a look at his beginnings doing covers and pin-ups for Comics Forum (the Spanish publisher of Marvel comics during the 80’s and 90’s).
Here’s an assortment of his covers for Clasicos Marvel (a series that reprinted classic Marvel arcs). I guess most of you will have no problems to identify which arcs they are for:
And some other covers and pin-ups from other series:
Is Room 237 a waste of your time?
I know I just said that I was really busy, but I recently started watching the free-flowing documentary on The Shining … I only watched the first 20 minutes and while I confirm that it’s all over the place (faceless voices giving their interpretation of the movie based on background details, which in their own minds justify why the movie is about the genocide of native americans, nazis and/or sex), it seems like the kind of thing that might be interesting if you really like the original movie.
Personally, I watched it as a kid and got scared since the starting credits (due to the use of Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique), and have probably watched it around 10 times, each time failing to notice a lot of what was mentioned in those first 20 minutes, which is always a good excuse to watch it again when I finish with the craziness that is Room 237. So, to answer my own question, if you REALLY like The Shining, you might discover a few details you never saw in any previous watching of the movie … Up to you to figure out if that’s enough for you or not. I mean, you probably have better things to do (like watching season 4 of Arrested Development).
What kind of bugs me is the fact that they are only doing this because it’s Stanley Kubrick. When can we expect the same level of paranoid criticism with Cujo or Christine
A week of art (Spanish edition): Albert Monteys
(Where, in order to try and keep posting during a particularly busy period, I resort back to art galleries)
This time, however, I decided to post some art from Spanish creators. Some of them internationally famous, others not so much but they probably deserve more attention.
We start with Albert Monteys, an amazing and really funny cartoonist. Even though he did a couple of pages for Vertigo in the past (The Dreaming #55 and The Sandman Presents: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dreams…But Were Afraid to Ask), he seems perfectly happy working on his own stuff back in Spain (where he works in the weekly comic magazine El Jueves while putting out some other stuff on the side).
Take a look around his Tumblr account, the same place where I found these delightful illustrations he published as a print set (Fin de Liga or End of League):
These are 5 of the 8 prints that you can purchase here. Highly recommended creator if you can get anything by him.
Jack Kirby’s Ghost Rider
I confess I was unaware about this until a while ago, but Jack Kirby drew 3 covers for the Ghost Rider back in the 70’s, so I decided to put them in this scrapbook of the subconscious that I call website: