As you might have seen on the collage I posted a few posts ago with my collection of inter-company crossovers, I am a bit obsessed with them at the moment. The quality is generally very poor but there’s something inherently fun about them.
I would like to take this moment to call for a minute of silence to the following crossovers, which might never happen:
Batman beating Wolverine commission by John Byrne
Lion-o vs He-Man by Ed McGuinness for the Last Man Standing section of the Wizard magazine
Darkseid vs Thanos commission by Jim Starlin
Deadpool and Lobo commission by Reilly Brown
DC elseworlds Last Man Standing by Arthur Adams
Wolverine vs Batman by Mike Wieringo for the Last Man Standing section of the Wizard magazine
Batman and Deadpool commission by Derek Fridolfs
Boba Fett vs Deadpool by Ed McGuinness for the Last Man Standing section of the Wizard magazine
Hellboy vs Spawn by Mike Mignola for the Last Man Standing section of the Wizard magazine
Batman vs Spider-Man by Michael Turner for the Last Man Standing section of the Wizard magazine
Spider-Man and Spawn cover by J, Scott Campbell for Wizard
Only piece of art created for the announced but never started Batman / Gen 13 crossover
Except the one with Darkseid and Thanos, of course … It’s already happened!
And, as a bonus, the King wanted to join the party too:

Captain America vs Batman by Jack Kirby