From Super-Team Family #5 (reprinted from The Brave and the Bold #64) …

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Not much to say about this one … If you know it, you love it. If you don’t I can only link to the first few minutes of the movie so you can start to understand what you have been missing:
Deadpool Team-Up #884 Cover
Having given up on Daniel Way’s Deadpool series, it seems that the only readable comic featuring Deadpool these days (although for one more last issue) is this one. The quality is not constant, true, but at least the creative team changes every issue, so it gives you the chance to see other creators taking a swing at this character.
Most of the stories are not serious at all, but they are fun, and this issue was no exception. Starting with the beautiful Skottie Young cover (take a look at his OZ series or his beautiful sketchbook), the issue is crazy from start to finish.
Still loving the Peyer (one of the most underrated writers in the last 20 years), great art by Jacob Chabot (as far as I remember, first time I see it) and the Watcher … What else could we ask for? Well, what about the Watcher going nuts? I give you … the page of the week!!!
After the random 2 week break, we are back with another piece of Jurgens magic! This time it comes from his German Trilogy concept album about the number 3, history and anything that was going through his head at that moment.
We chose the third song (even though they were all numbered 3 on the back of the album) of what’s presumably side A (but was labelled side 3, of course) … Without further ado: Geschenkzeit!!!
What have we learnt from the 2000AD day? Not much, as it has been too unfocused to really extract any conclusions, but let’s try …
1) Most of the issues (checked today, so mid-80s to mid-90s) have at least one strip with really good art and only a few are absolutely unreadable.
2) Most of the artists and writers who come from the England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland have probably worked on 2000AD at some point … and a high percentage of those have done at least one terrible Judge Dredd story
Even Alan Davis drew a Judge Dredd story!
3) There is sometimes some crazy shit going on in 2000AD:
4) Shaky Kane has always been great
5) Mark Millar has always been Mark Millar
6) 2000AD has published a lot more good stuff than anybody has ever heard about, the only problem is that their trade paperback program apparently does not quite work … which is a pity, because the ones they are putting out are really worth it.
I would totally recommend Complete Alan Moore Future Shocks, The Best of Tharg’s Future Shocks (Grant Morrison, Neil Gaiman, Peter Milligan, …) and Hewligan’s Haircut (Peter Milligan & Jamie Hewlett) to start with.
For more information about the trades: