Category Archives: Komikillers

Brain-destroying killer comics just the way we like them

Gallery: Manara does Marvel

Continuing with the European master doing work for the American market thread started yesterday, we turn our attention to Milo Manara, the “master of erotic comics”. This one is a bit of a strange case … I mean, the jump from doing his European album thing to working with Neil Gaiman for Sandman: Endless Nights was more or less reasonable (after all, he illustrated the chapter dedicated to Desire and we have to consider other artists like Prado or Storey worked on it, too). Then it gets a bit weird, as he decided to work on X-Women with Chris Claremont, which I find quite puzzling (but, hey, the X-Men being a best-seller with a couple of movies and the chance to work with the writer who made them what they are must have been an incentive … apart from some crazy money, of course). Which brings us to the present. A present where he is doing Marvel covers every month these days (10 and counting). A present where we have a cover featuring an illustration of Angela by Milo Manara in a comic published by Disney. Who could have foreseen this 10 years ago? Surely, this is how it must have felt when the multiverse merged into a single universe at the end of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Anyway, you are here for the covers, so here they are:

As a bonus, the other two covers he did for Vampirella and Verotik Illustrated, if only because they make a lot more sense:

Gallery: Moebius does America

Still a bit short of time, but here’s some art for your eyes to feast upon … This time it’s no one other than Moebius and I am not even going to bother and try to write him up. You don’t know who it is, click on the wiki link. The one thing I will say, though, is that it’s a pity that we cannot expect to be surprised by guys like him or Kirby anymore … Also, that has to be the best-looking Iron Man ever.

Disco Friday: International editions

The problem with international editions until the 70’s or 80’s (depending on which country you grew up in) is that sometimes the art is modified and other times it’s totally butchered, not to mention the translations (but that’s a problem to this day). We will come back to all of these topics at some point in the future this being Disco Friday and all, but I will leave you with a question … How do you make a regular-sized 20+ page comic from a bunch of strips?

Here’s a clue:

Demon Dancer Art comparison

Demon Dancer Art comparison

Disco Friday: Mandrake vs The Demon Dancer

A while ago, I posted a cover of a Spanish reprint of Mandrake in which he met the Demon Dancer. Thanks to the Mandrake Wiki, and keeping with the Disco Friday subject, I thought I would post a few different covers of other international editions, for comparison:

I think that the French one wins by a landslide, n’est pas?