Love these 90’s plastic action figures made in Spain. They give you the possibility to mix up any Disney princess with Dr. Doom (oh wait, he’s a Disney character too I guess … Beauty and the Beast remake with Victor von Doom, please?), smurfs, soccer players or whoever appeared in a movie or cartoon in the last 2 decades. It seems they might be official, too.
Just bought 4 of them for now, but it allows me to submit to you an idea for a team ready to fight Thanos, Chtulhu or anyone else for that matter:

That would be Mazinger Z, the Hulk, 90’s Iron Man and, of course, Silver Surfer:

Later this week, we will take a look at some spectacular unlicensed toys from Honk Kong, where they take Millar’s and Bendis’s idea of putting all the popular characters in the Avengers and push it one step further!!!